
Exercises in scaffolding (2)

see scaffolding explanation in post (1)

Omens of an Affair 
(after James Tate: Consolations After an Affair)
My keys are rattling to one another:
whispering a secret leaked
by the borrowed key from his ring.
I have records in their sleeves
that think the song is still ours.
They know nothing of the broken, bygone player.
For them to be heard in memory
is gratification and needle enough.
My step awakens a creak in the floor,
a vulnerability worth noticing,
but I’m distracted by the fox 
creeping just beyond the window.
I am chilled by the static of unformed words,
haunted by this house of secrets.

Consolations After an Affair
James Tate
My plants are whispering to ona another:
they are planning a little party
later on in the week about watering time.
I have quilts on beds and walls
that think it is still the 19th century.
They know nothing of automobiles and jet planes.
For them a wheat field in January
is their mother and enough.
I’ve discovered that I don’t need
a retirement plan, a plan to succeed.
A snow leopard sleeps beside me
like a slow, warm breeze.
And I can hear the inner birds singing
alone in this house I love.

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