
due diligence (typetrigger response)

I think you owe me something. 
It's a small thing, I mean, it's not a no 
But not a big thing.  At least not 
compared to how long things can go 
                                                                     and           on 
           and it's not like the time you borrowed fifty bucks from your cousin Serena and she wrote it down in her green book of things she liked to keep record of to stay sharp so that she could brandish it in an argument five years later after she insisted that the favor need not be returned. 
                     With compounded interest, 
                     you owe her a high season trip to the Ice Hotel 
                                                            and apparently a new cat. 
                                                                                   A tabby one. 
It is much smaller, 
this deficit between us. 
                                                      In fact, 
your coverage need not be repayed in currency 
                                                                                       or service, 
(though it should be known that I would not deny the former)
                            but a word is all, 
              just a word. 
One word


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