
Topic 1: Identity. Who am I? What is my most fulfilling writing experience?

Define: Identity
Sameness of essential or generic character in different instances.
Define: Identity (SPEC)
Federal: Micaela Beth Haluko alias Micaela Beth Huebl. Female. b. September 10, 1979. Denver, Colorado. d.     Taxpayer ###-##-####. Married. Registered Voter Unaffiliated. Organ Donor. Corporate: Micaela B Haluko. SAMBH EID ####. Competitive Intelligence Coordinator. Assistant Supervisor - Clearing Operations. Series 6 and 63 certified. Outstanding rank. File terminated. Student: Micaela B Haluko. Mhuebl1. 900######. GPA 3.87. Industrial Design - BS. Image: Micaela Haluko. 5’6” 140 lbs. Hair, blonde, purple, green, pink, orange, blue. Eyes, Hazel, when happy... Cyber: Mhaluko. Mbhaluko. MVB19. Chaosfemme. at juno. at hotmail. at ricochet. at gmail. on google. on myspace. on facebook. on tumblr. on pandora. on blogspot. in the streets.
Define: Identity (REV)
We are facts. We are workers. Tax Payers. Sellers. Buyers. Consumers. Students. Teachers. Directors. Administrators. Brands. Free. Slaves. Family. Gender. Sex. Lovers. Watchers. We are watchers. We are watched. I am watched. I am seen. I see. I have eyes. I have hands. Legs. Limbs. Body. I am here. Mind. Soul. I am here, and I live. Music. Words. Pictures. Fare. I create. I publish. I create. I conceal. I create. I thrive. I create... with passion. I have passion. I am passion. Beyond facts. I am. Beyond facts. I live. Beyond Facts. I am. I am. I am. I: Micaela. girl. human.

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